Sunday, March 27, 2011


I'm having some back issues. Really bad ones. Friday morning I woke up in some series pain. But after my visit to the Chiropractor I felt better. The paint was gone. So I was happy. Since I have been going to the Chiropractor on a weekly basis (I see her 3 time a week) I haven't had any back pain. Oh sure, after my half, I was in pain, but I knew I would be. But after I saw her on Monday and a little rest, I felt fine.

However, after my 5 mile run yesterday, my back was screaming. And today it's still screaming. And I'm pissed about it. To the point where I am in tears. I am afraid to run because I'm afraid it's going to get worse. And I can't handle that. Yet, I want to run. I NEED to run. But I don't want to be in so much pain I can't move. Like I was yesterday when I was trying to get up off of my couch. I see the Chiropractor again tomorrow, but I need to get a run in tomorrow morning. No matter how my back feels. I cannot, and WILL NOT go more then one day without a run. I won't let my body get used to not running.

I thought maybe on Friday I slept on my back wrong and that was why I was having pain. But I guess not since I'm having wicked pain today. I'm really depressed over it.

I also need to get a little control over my eating again. Because I have this whole "I can eat whatever I want since I'm running now" thought in my head. Which is total bull.

So I took out this red sundress that I have, a size 8 and tried it on. It fits, a little snug, but it fits and I hung it where I can see it every single day. To keep me on track. Which is what I did last year around this time when I had a dress I wanted to wear to my cousin's wedding.

I need to get myself back on track. I have goals people. GOALS!!


BabyWeightMyFatAss said...

What are you doing in the mean time for your back? Does your DR suggest icing off and on? I have bad back issues as well and that's one of the things I do when it flares up.

Phoenix said...

Sorry to hear about your back problems, are there other cardio machines you can do this week to give your back a break from the pounding? You won't lose any stamina in a week. I feel bad that you keep having this problem! Will core work help, like supermans and plank work? Gosh, I hope you feel better soon.

BTW, is that the red dress of the famous WW post? I'm pretty sure that's how I started following your diaryland! :)

Anonymous said...

You definitely get into that dress soon. Just stay focused!