Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Half marathon and fitbloggin'

I'm still trying to decide how to write about my half marathon. I'm still kind of in a lot of shock about it. I still can't believe that I did it. I know I need to write about it and I want to write about it.

I really wish I had thought to take pictures. But I didn't. Like I said before I am just not a picture person.

I promise a half marathon post soon. I need to take the time to sit down and think about what to write and how to say. It was a pretty emotional day, even though I may not have shown those emotions. Kelly was there. I should have been more, oh I don't know. Happy maybe? Ha. I was happy. I just was surprised I did it. Me! Of all people.

So give me a few more days and I promise to blog about my half.

I had my first run today after my half. I did 3 miles at the gym and then I did 20 minutes of weights. Now I'm ready to get back to losing weight and tighten myself up. 3 months until summer! Let's do this!!

By the way, I won a ticket to Fitbloggin. So now I have to find a hotel room. I think the hubby wants to come with me. But he won't be coming. So I'm all excited about THAT and getting to meet everyone that I "know" online.


Phoenix said...

It's a big thing to process! I knew exactly what you were feeling. I knew you were happy, it's overwhelming. Hello, you ran though TIMES SQUARE! How many people can say that? Congrats on fitbloggin, I know how much you wanted to go!!

christina said...

I am SOOO proud of you! Shame you didnt take any pics!!! Next time!

So do you have the full marathon bug planted yet? I did my first half last oct and completed my first marathon this past sunday... if I can do it anyone can!!!

Im thinking NYC for my next marathon... you in :) ???