Friday, March 25, 2011


I'm still working on that post for my half. I really wish I had it finished. But it's taking a little longer then I thought.


I started back to lifting weights on Tuesday at the gym. I'm struggling with going to the gym in the morning and that really stinks. I am not a workout at night person. I just hate it. I'm exhausted when I'm done with my work day and the last thing I want to do is go to the gym. But I did it twice this week. Tuesday I ran 3 miles and then did 20 minutes of weights. And on Thursday I ran 3.5 miles and 25 minutes of weights. I really, REALLY hope to get back to my morning workouts. They work so much better for me. And put me in such an amazing mood for the day. In other words, I don't want to kill everyone I work with. I truly love my new gym though. It's not busy at all so no matter when I go, I don't have to fight for equipment. If I even tried to go to my old gym after work, I wouldn't be able to find a place to park, never mind find a piece of equipment.

I updated my measurements on Wednesday.They are on the right hand side of my blog towards the bottom. I hadn't done that since December and I didn't see a HUGE difference except in the waist and the chest. Everything else pretty much stayed the same. But that's okay. I know my weight went down. My waist went down 2 inches. SCORE!! But even more awesome, if you look at 2009 you can see how many inches I have lost in the past 2 years.

I also added a before picture. It's not a full body shot. I'm still trying to find one. I'm sure I have one somewhere. I have to keep looking. But I was at least 287 pounds, if not heavier in this photo.

I weighed in today. 160.2 pounds. Which is great. I'm almost back under 160 and to 159.4 where I was about a month ago. Hopefully next week I can see the 150's again. It's nice not to have to worry about training anymore for my half, but I do want to keep getting in my long runs on the weekends. Tomorrow and Sunday I plan to get in a couple. Just because I can.


ThunderThighs said...

Good for you!! Keep at it!!

Willpower said...

Your doing such a great job keep it up. I keep forgetting to record my miles thanks for the reminder.

ThunderThighs said...

By the way, I have been following your blog for quite some time and am so impressed with all the goals you have set and achieved!! Operation size eight is almost accomplished!! Go you!!