Friday, March 4, 2011

I know I'm worth more then a number

Right now I'm having a few problems.

I have had two really bad nights of sleeping. That is never good. No one likes waking up every hour and tossing and turning and not being able to fall back asleep.

And then there is the scale. Now, I usually don't let the number on the scale bother me. But this week it's really upsetting me. Last week I saw 159.4 pounds, a number that brings me very close to my goal. Usually Wednesday I get on the scale to see how things are going. Well, the scale said 163.4 pounds which would put me back up to where I was the week before. Okay. I know I wasn't the best I couldn't have been last weekend, but 4 pounds? No big deal. Then yesterday I saw 164.8 pounds. And this morning? 165.2 pounds.

You can see why I'm totally freaking out. I don't deserve to be up almost 6 pounds. Not at all. So I'm pretty pissed off. Upset. And I believe I have the right to be. I will not put that number in Weight Watchers online. Or in my weigh in tomorrow morning. I don't have to either. I know it sounds childish or whatever, but I did not overeat that much this past weekend to gain 6 pounds. Plus I ran 3 miles Saturday, 7 on Sunday, 3 on Monday, 5 Wednesday an 3 Thursday. So something isn't right.

I'm trying to keep a level head about it, but it's really hard when I have been busting some serious ass. Maybe I didn't eat enough this week and my body is mad and that is what is going on. I just don't know.

And this, my friends, is why I don't, won't and can't go to meetings.

At least it's Friday and the weekend is almost here.


Laurie said...

It is SO hard, but a number is just a number, it doesn't define us. But, man, I know what you are dealing with.
Have a great numberless weekend.

Melissa said...

I share your fustration with the scale and the numbers! You mentioned that you ran a lot this week - is 21 miles what you normally run for the week? If not, then it miht actually be that your muscles are retaining water because they have been so beat up with the added milage. When my milage for my marathons or halfs have a significant increase I tend to gain a bit of water weight. Also, have you noticed whether there has been in a increase in salt? That could also attribute to the gains. I bet by next week those 6lbs will be completely gone plus a bit more. Just continue to do what you have been doing because clearly its working!!!

Dre said...

I had very similar problems this week - did everything right, worked out - and the number on the scale went up. Frustrating!!!

Here are two things that really helped me:
1) you know that can't be all FAT is water or something, but to gain 6lbs of fat in a matter of days doesn't seem possible. just have to let your body do it's thing and it will all work out.
2) i focused on asking myself if i was making healthy decisions - because that is most important and something you can say you were successful in.

i say put the number in WW and track what you did, what your body was doing...then look for patterns. stuff you ate, your work outs etc. then in the future you won't be so quick to beat yourself up when your retain water because you know the reason why you are.

but...i'm still learning and by no means have all the answers. :)

Anonymous said...

I am in this same situation this week. I know exactly how you feel, I wasn't bad, I have tracked everything and I still have weeklies left! and I am up 3 grrrr but I will go to my meeting deal with it and move forward.