Saturday, March 12, 2011

Isn't this a weight loss blog?

This is a weight loss blog. And I haven't really written about my weight loss lately. With my half marathon 8 days away (holy crap) I have point that on the back burner for just a little while. But I promise that once my training is done, I will be back to my weight loss.

Let me explain.

I gained last week. I was all happy because I lost 4 pounds, which is a lot for me and was 159.4 pounds. Last week I was up. I was 161.8 pounds. That was due to my birth control and I am no longer taking that. I was on it for way too long (15+ years) and I'm 35. I shouldn't be taking it anymore. The husband and I had a serious conversation and we're done with it. We're adults. We know what can happen. And we know how to avoid having a baby thank you.

I stayed the same this week. I was again 161.8 pounds. After my 5K I was beat. And I had beer. And a bagel. And a few other bad things (like pizza and candy and whatever). I struggled to get up all week to run. Actually I did get up at all. I ran when I came home and that was not something I plan to do again. I don't like working all day and then running 4 miles. No thanks. I will be back to my morning runs. But staying the same is fine by me.

Also money has been pretty tight since my husband has not yet gotten his first paycheck. So I haven't been eating very clean. We've been buying what we can for food and I have to do what I have to do. Luckily his first paycheck is coming on Tuesday and we are going to stock up the fridge and I cannot wait. Look out clean food here I come!!

And my half marathon. Oh yes. That is next Sunday. The 20th. I am not afraid to admit I am scared out of my freaking mind. But I am excited at the same time. It's going to be a lot of fun. Girls weekend and all. Once that half is over I can get back to getting to 150 pounds.

Oh don't get me wrong. I am still going to run. I love it. And once all the damn snow is finally gone, my town has some nice trails to run on. And I plan to finally take advantage of those.

On a really nice note, my coworker was telling me what great legs I have yesterday. Actually, it was my calves she was talking about. And my butt. She said she would kill to have a butt like mine. Um thanks? I have plenty to share if she wanted some.

And my race photo from the 5K came already. I look kind of dorky but I am happy about it. I am pleased to say I don't think I look fat in it or anything at all. I am HAPPY with how I look. Ha!!


christina said...

Have you made a running shirt? I HIGHLY suggest you paint your name on the front of your shirt and something funny or 1st 1/2 on the back... You will be SHOCKED what a difference it makes when total strangers on the sidelines are shouting your name and encouraging you... expecially around mile 10!

Im running my first full marathon on the 20th as well - I am TERRIFIED! But virginia beach here I come!

Good luck! Cant wait to hear all about it!

Bob said...

Hey, really great blog posts… I've enjoyed reading through your blog because of the great style and energy you put into each post. I actually run, a blog of my personal research and experiences. If you're interested, I would love to have you on as a guest blogger. Please send me an e-mail: bob.mauer65(at)gmail(dot)com, and I can give you more information. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Mrs. S. said...

So glad you get to enjoy the "fruits" of his labor next week. I know-totally lame but I had to. =)

The snow and cold seems to have everyone down in the exercise department. I can't wait to hear about your race next week!