Saturday, July 16, 2011

The "point" is...

I weighed myself this morning (I know, my husband was supposed to hide the scale. It hasn't happened yet) and it was not pretty.

168.6 pounds. I haven't seen that high of a number since February. Granted I'm sure there is still some bloat in there from TOM. And I had pizza last night so I'm sure there is some sodium in there. But the fact that last month when I weighed in at 157.6 pounds and now I'm 11 pounds heavier? I'm pissed at myself. Really, REALLY pissed at myself.

All the running the world is not going to save me from myself when I start thinking about all the hard work I put into this.

And I'm burnt out on running this week. I ran a lot and I needed a day off today. So I took one. And I know I shouldn't have weighed myself, but in the long run, it's a good thing I did it. Because I need a wake up call. A wake up call to stop messing around and get back to doing what I know is the right way to treat my body.

Vacation is just about over. So no more eating crap. No more pizza. No more french fries. No more ice cream. No more cookies or donuts or anything I know I shouldn't be eating. No more alcohol or soda. SODA! Something I gave up a year ago and it sort of came back into my life the past month or so. Not to the point where I am drinking it on a daily basis, but enough where I feel like I need to give it up again.

I'm glad I caught myself when I did and it's so scary that things can get so out of control so fast. I wish I could be someone who didn't have to worry about her weight and eat whatever she wanted. But I'm not. I have to watch everything. I have the worst metabolism in the world and as much as it sucks, I know I can treat myself now and again and it won't matter. As long as I get back on track the next day.

That being sad, I'm going back to points. Counting them that is. It's what I started doing to lose the weight and I'm going back. And I'm going to start eating clean again, too. I at least want to get back to 158 and stay there. Of course, I want to see 150 pounds. It's my goal weight, but my happy place is under 160 pounds.

And I've decided to start using my gym membership. I do have one and I should use it since I pay for it on a monthly basis. So starting Monday it's back to the gym for me to tone up my flabby parts. I'm sick of feeling sorry for myself and I want to reach my goal!!

I'm going back to weighing myself on a weekly basis, too.

Plus I've got that wedding to go to in three weeks...


Treesa said...

my name is theresa and your blog caught my eye a while ago because of how dedicated you are to a healthy lifestyle. i totally understand when you say you gained 11 pounds in a month from eating what you want... the same thing happens to me. i am on a constant roller coaster with my weight. thank you for sharing this post.... it is nice to know that i am not the only one... you look fantastic! thank you being so honest and sharing not only your ups. but your downs too...looking forward to your next post. :)

sarah said...

Actually, I wasn't eating what I wanted. I was calorie counting and that was working to a point. I think that I gained because of vacation and the scale will go down a bit. But thanks for the comment. =]

Sarah said...

That's what happens. we get ourselves to a happy place and we think we know what to eat, how to but then we just let one thing slip. Like the soda, then french fries. And before we know it we have gained weight. But don't think you are the only one that goes through this because you aren't.
Sarah you will get back to the weight you are happy at!

MojoMissy said...

I think you did the right thing by taking a day off! Sounds like it was just what you needed. As for the gym, I'm using mine as of Monday too. I need to hit some strength training.

Hang in there! Vacation & days off are what we all need from time to time :)

Nadine said...

It is so hard to see that number on the scale even when mentally we KNOW its not possible to have gained that much in such a short time -- it will be that much more rewarding when it comes off. I lost most of my weight with WW too, and I always gravitate back to it when I want to be REALLY strict with calorie counting. Good luck with getting back to your happy weight!

jillconyers said...

Good luck with your plan! And a day off works wonders.

Blog: Life As I See It [Fitness, Health and Happiness]