Saturday, January 14, 2012


Coming out of my Benadryl coma. The past day and a half has been foggy.

Thursday night was great. We went out with the hubby's boss and wife for dinner at a fancy Japanese restaurant. Luckily we were not the only ones there. I was nervous. I mean, this is my husband's BOSS!! Ha!! (I also ended up wearing flats because it had snowed just a little the night before and I didn't want to slip and fall on my butt).I ate good. I had steamed broccoli and chicken with rice. My stomach still wasn't feeling right so I didn't eat too much anyway.

After that we went to see Brian Regan. He was funny!! The place he played at was really cool, too. It was an old historic theatre in Massachusetts. We had a great time. We were home by 10pm.

When I woke up on Friday morning my face pretty much looked like this, but only ten times worse:

I should mention I noticed my left eye was a little swollen when we left for dinner, but I thought I had it under "control". When I woke up on Friday, not so much. My left eye was almost shut and I had a hard time walking. Plus, my right hand was swollen so badly that I couldn't even close it. Both my feet were swollen and it hurt to walk. I HATED to call into work, but what could I do? I couldn't drive and I could hardly walk or see, so I had no choice.

I know I've mentioned Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) but it is very unknown. I only started having flare ups 10 years ago. This is the worst one I've probably ever had. It's really embarrassing to me. How do you explain it to someone? You really can't. Luckily I work in Healthcare so people understand it, but it's still hard. It's ruined a few fun times for me. I need to find a doctor that will HELP me. Every time I go see my allergist he wants to give me a steroid. I refuse. I'd rather swell. I need to find a specialist in HAE who can HELP ME! I don't care how far I have to drive in Connecticut (or Massachusetts or New York) to find one.

I don't know what caused it. I did have a piece of hubby's steak which was cooked in front of us. It was also cooked with Scallops. I guess shellfish can cause flareups.

Anyway, on a happier note, I lost 2.8 pounds this week. Which really surprised me because I popped a lot of tums and other stuff because I wasn't feeling well. I didn't work out that much. Only 4 times. And it's the week before my period. But I will take it.

I will be going to Houston at the end of April. I'm not sure of the actual dates yet, but I cannot wait. Hubby has another trade show and his boss told him I can come. I've never been so I cannot wait! I want to slim down as much as I can. And enjoy myself when I get there. It should be so much fun!! Plus I hope to get the chance to meet THIS awesome lady while I'm there.


BabyWeightMyFatAss said...

oh goodness, I hope you feel better soon! and congrats on the weightloss!

Laura Belle said...


You know, when I was in college, I took Previcid for an ulcer (dr. prescribed) and 6 hours later my head was the size of a watermelon! I went to the ER and they basically did nothing, but the swelling moved from my head to my chest, to my stomach, to my legs, and finally to my toes. It was like a wave. So weird. They said that I was allergic to the meds. Probably the only person on the planet that is. Crazy huh?

I definitely think you should find ANY doctor to help you!