Sunday, January 22, 2012

Just watch

I had a rough week. I really rough week. My exercise and eating didn't go as planned. I'm not beating myself up about it. But, I also didn't blog much about it either. I felt like I didn't really have much to say this week, so I just kept my mouth shut and did my thing.

My eating was pretty bad. REALLY bad. But, I'm over that.

My exercise wasn't as bad. I worked out Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. I ran 10 miles. I did some kettlebell workouts. I only used my Bowflex once.

I miss going to the gym. I said it. I just miss the whole atmosphere. But, the gym I currently belong to (and I'm about to cancel that membership) isn't what I want. So, I'm thinking of going back to my old gym. Or there is actually a Planet Fitness that I want to go to. It's only $10 a month. Yes, I love my treadmill, but I miss the whole gym thing. Is that crazy?

I have to talk about it with the husband first and see what he says. $10 is not bad, considering I pay $30 now. So we would be saving $20. But, I did ask for the Bowflex and said I would cancel my gym membership. But, I'm thinking if I explain everything to him, he'll understand. And I'll offer to work a little O.T. at work and bring in some extra cash.

January hasn't been the month I wanted, but it's alright. I'm going to make 2012 the best year yet. Just watch.


Sarah said...

January hasn't been my month either but I am not beating myself up about it either. Just taking it one day at a time.
I know what you are saying about the gym, it has a certain atmosphere. Like you are there for the same reason. You can people watch, use different machines. Also if motivates you more when you see other work out. Well it does for me!!

Anonymous said...

I'm just starting my journey, and I want to just say that you're an inspiration to people like me. I'll be reading your posts. Sharon

Anonymous said...

You know the main reason I even wrote the essay to apply for the contest at the gym was I didn't want to lose my membership if for some reason we couldn't afford the 32 bucks a month. So I completely understand... there's just something about the gym, even if you've got stuff to work out with at home.

We went to TX Roadhouse yesterday, and I swear I've been hungry all day today. I'm noticing that if I have a day where I eat badly (you know, stuff that's higher in points and lower in good stuff) even if I eat all my points + some weeklies, I spend the next few days insanely hungry.

carla said...

xo xo xo

I hope yesterday started this week of FAR BETTER.


Sara said...

I understand! I miss the gym a lot. I cancelled mine due to costs. I hope you have a great week! :)