Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I woke up in the middle of the night with some horrible heartburn. It was terrible. I've had it happen a couple times before, but it was just awful. I popped a few tums, but it took awhile before it faded and I was able to go back to sleep. I was up for probably 2 hours before I was able to go back to sleep. I got something to drink, snuggled with the cats, tried to find a more comfortable spot to sleep in. But it didn't help.

I had hoped to workout this morning as I didn't work out yesterday or Saturday. But I was so tired after being up for 2 hours that I just couldn't. And all day work I was feeling the heartburn. I feel better now, but it's still there. I haven't had it this bad EVER! Hubby has some serious heartburn, too. I'm thinking it has something to do with what we ate on Sunday night. I guess we won't be eating there again for awhile.

I'm a little nervous about going to sleep tonight and afraid I'll wake up in pain again.

In happier news, a friend of mine on Facebook was selling some of things and I bought one of her Coach Bags. It came in the mail today and I'm so excited. I have wanted one FOREVER!!! Plus, she threw in a couple samples of these brownies she is always raving about. I tried one. OMG! They are so good!! And only 156 calories!! I am going to order some this weekend. I have one left and I can't wait to have it tomorrow.

I'm off to get my new purse all ready. I'm so in love with it. lol

1 comment:

Carolina John said...

My chiropractor took care of my heartburn several years ago. I used to have it very bad as well as some gerd. Not fun stuff at all.