Thursday, January 5, 2012

That will teach me

It was cold when my alarm went off this morning. I didn't want to get out of my nice warm bed and go outside the cold garage where it was 20 degrees. I wanted to stay all snuggled up under the covers with my husband and my kitties and enjoy a little more sleep.

But I didn't.

I didn't go outside and try out my new triceps rope. Instead I decided I would try out my knew Kettlebells. The whole time I'm doing the workout, I'm watching the DVD and how the people are sweating and saying how they are really feeling it. I'm like really? I'm just not with you. I'm enjoying it because it was nice to do something different, but I didn't feel like it was THAT big a deal. I did get warm and knew I was working myself. But I didn't feel like it was that hard of a workout.

Until I got to work. HOLY MOLY!! My arms! I was sore. And now I really feel it in my butt. That workout really was no joke. I am going to try and do that more often because I really did enjoy it. I liked the motions and how fast paced it was. I think the running has made it so that I need to work HARDER to break a sweat.

I guess that will teach me to complain. I need to use my medicine ball next. And my Bosu ball, too.


Carolina John said...

haha! yea running will do that. It's rare that I break a sweat in the first mile now. You get conditioned after a while.

karen said...

And then there's me & I think I broke a sweat reading this ;)

MojoMissy said...

Kettlebells totally sneak up on you!