Sunday, January 15, 2012

Lean and Mean

I've decided since we'll be going to Texas in a little over 3 months, I want to get as LEAN as I can. I keep telling my husband I'm going to get "Lean and Mean" for the trip. I want to be in the best shape that I can possibly be in. So that while I am there, I can relax a little bit and enjoy myself (eat, drink and be merry).

So...starting tomorrow (today is done exercise wise. I did 45 minutes of Kettlebells. You know how much I love my Kettlebells). I plan on 6 days of exercise which will include 6 days of cardio (running of course) and 4-5 days of weights. And I want to eat as clean as possible. I need new recipes so badly, but I'll do what I can until I get them.

I took my measurements yesterday and they didn't change from November. Which is good, considering. I just have to make it through Valentine's Day and Easter. But I think I can do that. I KNOW I can do that.

If you have ANY good ideas for food, please feel free to email me. Or comment here. I am feeling really awesome about this!!


Phoenix said...

This is going to be a great year for you!

carla said...

how is it going LEAN AND MEAN LADY??

sign me:

Happy Texan waiting for you :)

MojoMissy said...

I love my kettlebells! I've not worked out in a week, thanks to the flu, so I'm hoping to get back tomorrow. Are you still running in the mornings?