Monday, January 9, 2012

Live in harmony

Remember this post where I talked about my awesome Kettlebell workout? And that I felt like at first I wasn't really workout out until I got to work? HaHa. HA!! Friday morning EVERYTHING hurt. Kettlebells are no joke I tell you. NO JOKE!!

I gained two pounds this week. I knew it was going to happen. I wasn't upset or mad at myself. I've been struggling really badly and I just got over it. I had a rough weekend, too. Hubby and I went up to New Hampshire and I got sick. I don't know if it was something I ate or what, but we came home a day early. He was not too happy with me at first but he got over it. I felt really bad about it, but what can you do?

Right now my exercise is spot on. But my eating is not. I need to get them together so they can live in harmony.

I'm getting there. I haven't decided if I'm going to weigh in this week or wait a month. Sometimes I like to do that. That is the luxury of doing this at home. I don't have to stress about it.

And a big shout out to my friend Kelly who ran the Disney Goofy Challenge this weekend. For those who are not familiar with this, it's 13.1 miles on Saturday and 26.2 miles on Sunday. That is pretty amazing. I dream of at least running the half one day, but to do both? Awe inspiring.


christina said...

I cant do the skipping weigh in thing - when I decide to skip a weigh in and wait then that turns into "well I can eat a few more of this, its ok it will come off before I weigh in".

Good for you on the exercise!

MojoMissy said...

I'm skipping weighing in for a couple of weeks. I'm lifting much more and am really battling some water retention. It's frustrating and defeating to see a gain. I also just blogged about walking, which I'm going to have to go back to and am NOT happy about. That being said, kettlebells are sneaky with their after effects, aren't they?

Phoenix said...

Aww, thanks girl! You could totally rock it! This weekend was all about fun and you'd have a blast! Xoxo!