Sunday, September 9, 2012

Whole 30 Day 1

I've finally decided to change my diet and try something new. I mean REALLY new.

I ran across the Whole30 plan a couple months ago when Andrea was doing it and I bookmarked it. But in my mind I thought to myself there is no way in HELL I can give up my Chobani yogurt. No way. I simply cannot do it. I have at least 1 (or 3) a day. So I bookmarked it and went along my way without really giving it much of a thought.

And the other night on Facebook something popped up about it again. I must have liked it on Facebook and it got me thinking about it again. I went and got their book for my Kindle, It Stars With Food and read it and everything started to make sense. I read the forums and the success stories and thought to myself I can give up yogurt for 30 days. I can live without sugar (or Splenda) in my coffee for 30 days. I can do that. It's only 30 days. I don't buy bread anyway so I don't need to worry about that. I do eat a lot of pasta and oatmeal, but maybe it's time for a change. Maybe I need to switch it up. I mean, after all it's been 2 and a half years and maybe my body needs a change.

Yesterday and last night with it for me and grains and sugar and yogurt. We went to wedding and I ate a lot. I had wine and I had bread and I had cake (oh and it was really good cake, too) and I said adios to the sugar demon that always gets me in trouble.

Today I went grocery shopping and stocked up on healthy meats, fats, vegetables and fruits.

Drinking my coffee black is going to be different and strange, but I can do it. I want to see what changes with my body. I have been suffering from adult acne for 12 years and I want to see if it clears up.

I think I eat clean and healthy, but maybe it's not as clean and healthy as I thought it was.

I have 30 days to find out.


Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

You can do it!

christina said...

I am almost done reading the book - a friend gave it to me.... Its EYE openning! Day 3 was ROUGH .... massive headache, NO energy. It got So so so much better!

I found it was hard to get it through my head that I need to up my calories/fat/protein in my meals so that Im not hungry and wanting to snack in between. But once I got each meal around 450-500 calories then I have no desire to eat again. So Im ending the day off around 1500 calories. I have WAY more energy. Im losing weight. Its awesome! I have a few websites I love if you want them.

Im looking forward to tonights dinner - grilled cilantro chicken, cauliflower "rice", grilled veggies and avocado. YUMMY!

Good luck! Cant wait to read about it!

christina said...

on and on there is a big paleo community group that has been awesome for answering my questions.

I would suggest ordering some coconut oil if you cant find it in your store.

And for coffee - I put 2 cups of black coffee in the blender with 1 tbsp coconut oil and 2-4 tbsp coconut milk and blend... very very yummy!

Andy said...

Awesome! I loved doing it (as you know) and felt like I got a lot out of it. I can't wait to read about your experience! And yes, you can totally give up yogurt for 30 days, hehe. :) Good luck!

*Sara-Marie* said...

I just finished my Whole30 on August 31st and it was a great life changer for me. I lost almost 7 lbs, my acne cleared up and I just felt great. I blogged about my experience and everything I ate over the 30 days. Seems really hard at first, but now I find it easier than any other program I've ever done. I've done weight watchers before too, but this is so much more liberating.

This is my recap if you want to check it out:

Best of luck to you! I'm sure you will have much success with the program!
