Sunday, December 27, 2009

After Christmas post

I hope that everyone had a great Christmas! It seems from all the posts I've been reading that everyone did.

I even managed to lose 0.2 pounds which I'm sure will catch up to me this week after all I ate on Thursday. I don't usually worry about watching what I eat on the holiday. It's just a big deal to me. And there was plenty of good food to go around at all 3 houses we went to. But it was really nice to see 237.8 on the scale.

Two awesome presents? I got my fitbit finally thanks to the hubby! I've been waiting nearly a year for that bad boy! It's pretty cool. One of these minutes I'm going to actually going to workout and see what it tells me. I've been slacking so bad in that department. I also got a Polar heart rate monitor from my mother in law. So I'm going to be really styling when I go to the gym or workout at home when I strap on all my gear. Ha ha. I am thinking of hitting the treadmill in a bit though and see what all my gadgets say afterward.

I really got a lot of fantastic gifts. But those are my 2 favorites. My Mom sent me a gift card to Target which I've already spent online by ordering a body fat analyzer.

I got back on my diet yesterday. I had to get rid of the cheesecake that was in the house because I wanted to eat it.

Not looking forward to going back to work though. It's going to be a very busy 4 days with the end of the year coming and all.


gayle said...

I am a pretty new follower...You are really helping me get in the diet mood...

Stephanie said...

Yay for fitness gadgets! That'll give you some motivation for your upcoming workouts.
weight loss

Anonymous said...

Whoo Hoo congrats on the 0.2 pound loss totaly amazing. Can you please let us know how the heart rate monitor is. I've been thinking about getting on myself.

kastz said...

Hey hows it going? I like the blog great job keep up the good work. If you have the time check out my blog its>>> and remember to comment and fallow i return all favors thanks for your time.

Unknown said...

Hi, i'm a new follower and i understand the issues we women and men go through with our weight - Have any of you heard of the body magic? a medical grade compression garment invented by an orthopedic surgeon for the sole purpose of helping people lose weight.It makes a person drop 2 - 3 dress sizes immediately it is worn without the aid of surgery, diet, exercise or pills. You can wear it to exercise whereby it will make you sweat. See or There has been a lot of good publicity about it on various news stations in America. check it out and let me know what you think

Amazon Runner said...

Huh? A sales pitch in your comments?? That is GROSS!
Anyway, stumbled on your blog today. I am in CT too. I have lost a lot of weight but still have a lot to lose yet.

I'll be following your progress! best of luck to you in 2010!