Monday, November 14, 2011

The one where I come clean

I'll admit it. My eating has been shit. Shit, shit, shit. I was supposed to be awesome for a month and lose weight. Right? Right. I was going to get back down under 160 pounds after I saw 166 pounds last month.

Well, I totally doubt that happened. Like I mentioned before, I would run 10 miles and decide it was okay to eat cookies, pizza, candy, whatever. And that isn't cool. That isn't how I lost the weight. Having an off day every now and then is okay, but not on a weekly basis.

I was totally ready to eat all healthy and good last week and clean. I was motivated and everything. I was eating every couple of hours, getting in all my healthy fats, lots of fruits and veggies, etc. Which lasted until Friday when I had pizza. And french fries. And cookies. Yep.

Now, I was sick for 5 weeks. Which SUCKS! It totally got my running off track. I went from running 5-6 days a week to 2-3 until I started feeling better. Which was this weekend. It was the first time I didn't have to use an inhaler after I ran. And Sunday I finally got over 4 miles and ran 5 miles. It sucks to go from 10 miles to 5, but I know I have to take it slow with the bronchitis. I was still blowing funky green junk out of my nose all weekend.

Saturday, after my eating frenzy on Friday, I got right back on the wagon. With Weight Watchers. It's my stand by. I know it works and I know what to do. But it's not what I want to do for the rest of my life. Weight Watchers and running...they just don't mix well. But the next two weeks are rough. My Birthday is Friday. I know they will get me a cake at work on and I can't say no to cake. And I won't. And of course, Thanksgiving is next week. I just want to to make sure I don't gain anymore weight. If I gain weight.

Friday is my weigh in day. My clothes are not tight. They fit just fine. But, I feel...I don't know. I just feel...blah. I don't like this eat like crap one day, eat fine for 6 days cycle. It's not good. Or healthy.

What I want to do is get back on a healthy clean eating plan after Thanksgiving. I was going to start on January 1st, but no. That isn't soon enough. Christmas is one day and I can handle that.

Hopefully, my Birthday present from my husband is going to be a Bowflex. We've seen a bunch on Craiglist and we've called a few people, but so far no one has called back. Which sucks, but I'm sure they go fast. People want to sell them CHEAP!! I figure I can cancel my gym membership once I get it. I don't go anyway and I love to workout at home, so it's a win/win, right?

So...that is kind of why I haven't been blogging much over the past week or so. But I plan to. I miss it. And I miss all of you!! I'm still reading, even if I'm not commenting as much.


jesseybell said...

I totally here you! I was through Week 7 of C25K when I got bronchitis - I really thought it was pneumonia because I couldn't breathe just standing there. And I didn't run for 23 days - I had only been up to 30 minutes running at a time. It is so hard to go back but it is important that we do go back instead of quitting (which I have done many times before!)

Carolina John said...

You want to talk about excuses for binge eating? Run an Ironman. I have sucked down an entire 5.6 lb bag of costco halloween candy since we got back in town last sunday and there's no end in sight. I'm totally putting back on some of the pre-ironman training weight. I'm ok with that, but it's still kind of scary.

Phoenix said...

We're in this for life. :( For as many bad days as you have you have so many more good ones. You have a great perspective and you're going to pull out of this just fine.