Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Tuesday!

Today I wore one of my new shirts to work today. What a difference that made. It's an XL and the pants were 16. Now I've been wearing 16 pants to work for a few weeks now but I guess wearing a smaller shirt really made the difference because I got tons and tons of compliments from everyone!! It was kind of embarrassing after awhile to be honest. Ha! Nice but embarrassing. Tomorrow I am going to wear my favorite outfit that I bought. So excited. I am going to have hubby take a picture and I'll post it.

Needless to say I felt really good all day. Skinny even. Although I know I'm not. But I felt good. I have a lot more confidence in myself then I did even a month ago.

5 weeks from today I'll be in Vegas. Boo-ya!

I haven't had any diet soda in 8 weeks!

Cooked breakfast for dinner for me and the hubby tonight. I don't normally cook for both of us because the hubby doesn't eat what I eat. I really enjoyed doing it, too.

I was all motivated yesterday to get work done. Today. Meh-not so much. I really have to get my butt in gear because I have tons to do and since I'll be gone for 2 weeks in 5 weeks...you get the idea.


SherRon said...

I know exactly what you mean about the compliments being nice but kind of embarrassing. It feels good to know people are noticing, but having my weight loss be the center of attention...not my favorite.

Keep up the good work and great job with the no soda!

karen said...

You are going to be SLAMMIN' by the time you get to Vegas!!!

ElleBee said...

I hear ya on the "nice but embarrassing," been there. Just try to enjoy it! :)

carla said...

still in SERIOUS AWE at the no diet soda thing.

if Id started 8 weeks ago....