Monday, September 26, 2011

Mr. Singer

A year ago I was in Arizona visiting with my Mom. While I was there, my husband and I fell in love with their (my Mom and roommate Cyndi's cat) Singer.

He was a such a love! He would sit in my lap and sleep with me and just want to be loved all day. He was so handsome and so fat and just a friendly cat. He was afraid of his own shadow, too!! But he was so sweet and he was like our cat away from home. They had other cats, but Singer was just a good boy. We started calling him Mr. Singer. Whenever I talk to my Mom now I always ask how he is doing.

When my Mom called on Thursday to wish us a Happy Anniversary she told me sadly, that they were going to have to put their oldest cat, Jasmine, to sleep. She is 20, has no teeth and was peeing every where. I was sad, but I didn't really spend too much time with her. She slept a lot and spent most of her time with my Mom. She casually mentioned that Singer was "missing" but he does that a lot. He goes out for the day and comes back at night.

Well, yesterday, Singer still had not come home. They had Coyote's around the area. One got all the chicken's in a neighbors yard. So they are now afraid Singer was eaten by a Coyote. I'm very sad and heartbroken.

Hopefully, Singer will come back. He really is a unique cat.


Katie Foster said...

Oh no!! Poor kitty :( We have coyotes around here, and a few years ago, my cat Chandler went missing. He was gone for four days, and we were SURE a coyote had gotten him. But he came home--fat and happy, and I suspect that someone had him in their house. I will pray that Singer comes home too!

Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

Oh I hope he turns up okay! We have coyotes around here too and I am sure I have lost more than 1 pet to them.