Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Run your own race

I've decided that I want to train for a marathon. Why? Because. Just so I can say that yes, I ran 26.2 miles. And I am asking EVERYONE to join me. You don't have to run 26.2 miles. You can do 5k, 10k, a half marathon or whatever you want.

I'm going to be running it on my treadmill. YOU can run wherever you want. A treadmill. Outside. Anywhere you feel comfortable.

And the day of the race? 01/08/11. That gives me 18 weeks to train starting this Sunday. Plus, I can take the day after off from work, should I need to rest.

I will be following Hal Higdon's training guide, which is what I used when I trained for my half. It worked before, so why not again?

Why do I want to train after I decided not to run my half next month? I don't know. I just want to have something to TRAIN for.

I hope you will join me. If you do, please blog about it so we can get others involved. And I made a (corny) little button to add to your blog. Just link it back to this post if you wouldn't mind. Leave me a comment on this post, too, so I know who is in.

Follow me on twitter so we can talk about our training. Or email me at runningformyself at yahoo.com so we can talk about it there.

I hope you will join me!! It would be fun to have others training "with" me.


Phoenix said...

Fun! That's the day of the Disney full. Are you sure you don't want to do it *hint hint* I think you'd have so much fun! I'll miss the first 2 weeks of training but after that I'll be on roughly the same schedule as you. 20-miler on Christmas haha! Thanks, Santa!

Lisa Mancini said...

WAY fun, and awesome goal. Definitely something I will think about, and probably train, even though there's no way I'll be doing a marathon on that day. I'll let you know soon on what I can do! Either way, it'll be a blast.

MojoMissy said...

Good for you!!! You'll have a blast, I'm sure (once it's over lol) I'm doing my first race on Saturday, a 10k. I'll be walking most of it, but I'm determined to finish.

Carolina John said...

Very cool! I like it a lot. I think I'm going to end up doing a treadmill marathon the closer I get to ironman.

I'm running the Charleston Marathon on 1/15 in SC, so I won't be able to hit your date :( Still I love the concept, and I love that you are training for a 26.2! I used a hal higdon plan for my first full mary as well.

Sara said...

Yay! I'm in! I am actually running The Goofy in Disney JAN 7-8 and JAN 8 is the full marathon! Yay!! I'll spread the word and put the button (by the way if you made it yourself that is super-awesome because I wish I could do THAT) on my blog!

And I CANNOT believe you are going to run a marathon on the treadmill! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Tina @GottaRunNow said...

You've got a great idea! I was just thinking today that it might be fun to run even longer than 20 miles on the treadmill. I like having a race to train for, too. I'll be running the Houston marathon in January.