Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Really True Blood?

Seriously? What was with the end of the season finale of "True Blood" on Sunday night? What the heck?! I'm still stunned!!

And I'm currently totally addicted to "Mad Men". My coworker has all 4 season on DVD so she let me borrow them. How awesome is that?

A lot of smoking and drinking going on. But it's a very addicting show. And I can't stop watching.

I'm truly exhausted today. I got up, ran 4 miles and worked 8 hours. Work was so busy. Something was in the air today for sure. I swear I never sat down and I wore heels today. Which I think was a bad idea. When I came home, I started laundry, started dinner, fed the cats, did dishes and made sure dinner was done for the hubby so he could eat before he ran off to karate. I'm beat. Now that hubby has his new position, he works later so I am trying to make dinner for BOTH of us and have it done or at least going for when he comes home. Check me out, right?

I scheduled my appointment with my doctor to talk about my goal with Weight Watchers. My appointment is next Friday, the 23rd. I'm nervous and excited all at the same time.

So very tired. I'm going to catch up on some blogs before I fall asleep. Whew!


MojoMissy said...

Why is it the days we wear heels, we're on our feet all day long. Then, when I wear comfy shoes, I'm chained to my desk. It never fails!

carla said...

(never ever seen the show :))

and shall channel you this morning as I run.

I will run right??



Carolina John said...

are you suggesting that smoking and drinking is addicting? lol. I've just started watching mad men as well; it's on Netflix on demand. Very cool show.