Thursday, September 1, 2011

What happened to August?

Irene has come and gone. My town did not really get hit too badly. We did lose power, just like I thought. I got u at 8am and was ready to hit the treadmill, but...the power went out at 8:30am. I was less then thrilled. I spent most of Sunday eating. I had filled my Kindle up on Saturday night so I had plenty to read.

And plenty to eat.

But, on Monday, I forgave myself. It isn't worth getting mad over or upset over or beating myself up over. Monday was a new day and I treated it like that.

Our power came back in 23 hours later. So I didn't get to run on Monday morning either.

I got my run in on Tuesday and I had planned 3 miles, but that turned into 4. And today I ran 4 miles. I loved my run on Tuesday. It was nice and cool outside in the garage and I just loved it. But this morning it was hard for me to get moving. As usual, I was glad I ran once I was done, but my legs were heavy and I was just not feeling it too much. Tomorrow I hope to feel it a little more.

I was disappointed with my mileage for last month. I didn't even hit 50 miles. My plan for this month is 60. I know I hurt my back and had to rest up. Plus, I plan to continue with weights 3 days week. I haven't been to the gym yet because they WERE out of power but got it back Tuesday. So I hope to start back on Saturday and go from there.

I hope that the state of Connecticut gets their power back 100% soon. A lot of our patients are without power at work and they are suffering without it. They are so afraid they are going to run out of oxygen and I don't blame them. It's tough on them. We've been swamped all week with calls and we're doing the best we can.

Despite my Sunday eating, I am looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow.

I feel like it's already turning into fall here. We've been having cool mornings and evenings. And the days aren't that warm anymore. We didn't get much of a summer at all. Hard to believe it's September. My 11 year wedding anniversary is in 21 days. We're going to Cape Cod and I cannot wait. Just for a few days, but it is where we went on our honeymoon. I always enjoy going back.

And I am looking forward to a 3 day weekend. I need to relax and not be at work for a few days.


carla said...

here too
except the cape cod :)
Im sooo looking forward to this weekend to recharge.


Carolina John said...

hey 50 miles is still a decent month! It's a lot more than the couch potatoes are running. You did really well.