Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hit the ground running...

Athlete? Born to run? I've been trying to figure out how to write this post for the past hour or so.

I had a rough week. I don't even know how to begin. I started last weekend when I had the stomach bug. And when I missed my Sunday run. And my Monday, AND Tuesday run. So I ran on Wednesday. But missed Thursday and Friday. Trust me, I could have used some running this week. Work was rough. REALLY rough. We were short handed big time. We had 2 people on vacation and my bosses wife went into labor. So we were down 3 people. And the new girl is still new.

And my eating was not good last weekend. I ate things I know I shouldn't, but when I'm running it doesn't normally make a difference. I can eat a few cookies and some pizza here and there and doesn't matter. During the week, I still ate like I was running every day. So I know my weight is up. But I didn't weigh myself. I know it would just push me over the edge. And it's not worth it.

So it was a tough week.

I told myself that I needed to rest, that it was okay to give my body a break. For my mind. For my body. For my soul. But today I needed to get back out there and run. Because, after all, I am an athlete. I am born to run. Even if I didn't figure that out until I was 34 years old.

Plus, I feel so much better when I'm running. The weeks I ran every day, I could feel an amazing difference in my body. I felt stronger, leaner and much, much calmer.

4 miles today. And most likely 4 miles again tomorrow. I will NOT skip anymore Sunday runs. Those are always my favorite for some reason.


Rachel Parker said...

Hey - I just found your blog! Don't beat yourself up too much about missing the exercise, especially since you were sick. It's very easy to get out of the habit of exercising if you miss a day here or there. The most important thing is being honest with yourself and identifying the behaviors you need to change, and it sounds like you've got that covered! Congratulations on losing over 100 pounds - that's a huge accomplishment (no pun intended... okay, maybe a little pun intended, haha) :)

Katie Foster said...

I'm sorry you've had a rough week! Those kind of stressful weeks make it so easy to skip workouts. Enjoy your 4-miler today!

safire said...

Sorry about your rough week! I hope the new week is better for you. Great job getting a run in :)

Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

Hey Sarah, here is some fun news! You won my Chocolate #9 giveaway, send me your info and I will get that sent off to you!

Anonymous said...

Bad weeks happen to everyone! Running definitely helps center me, but only when I'm not going crazy about blowing something off at work to be running.

I just found your blog. You are such an inspiration! The picture of you standing in your old jeans is really amazing.