Thursday, June 23, 2011

Things on my to do list

These things are on my to do list:

Get my ass back on a running schedule.
Get a my hair cut. I haven't done that since March 18th (2 days before my half).
Get my ass back on a running schedule.
Stay off the scale until August 6th.
Start doing crunching every day to tone up my muffin.
Get my ass back on a running schedule.
Put together a giveaway on my blog so I can giveaway some stuff I don't want/need.
Get my ass back on a running schedule.

Do you see where this is going? So far this week? 4 miles. I try so hard to go to bed early and I usually do. But sometimes I can't sleep. Or I wake up around 4am when the birds start tweeting and wake me up and I can't fall asleep. So I get up to pee or get a drink of water and I look at the clock and it's FOUR FREAKING A.M. and I'm annoyed and realize my alarm is going to go off soon and AHHHHHH!!! You get it, right?

I originally said I was going to stay off the scale until July 2nd, but I have pushed it up until August 6th. We're going to a wedding that day and I really want to look good. I'm not in the wedding or anything, but I haven't seen some of these people in a very long time. AND some of these people I went to high school with. And junior high school with. So, I want to look good.

I want to try Cross Fit.'s a lot of money. And the husband isn't going for it. Pffft. I'm going to try to work him over and see if I can get my way. Haha! After all, he is taking karate now and I didn't say anything about the cost of that.

So. That is that. Tomorrow is a new day. And I'm learning NOT to beat myself up over things.

Oh and I want to have cake on the wedding. So, there is that to look forward to.


Sarah said...

I hear ya on the birds!! They wake me up too, and it is totally frustrating.
I am sure you will look smokin hot for that wedding!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, your mentioning the haircut made me look down at my ends and realize how badly I need one, too. I cut on it right before we went to the races in Ft. Worth, so... yep, I'm overdue. LOL

LMAO!!!! I just noticed that get back on a schedule is on the list 4 times! You and me both, girl!

BabyWeightMyFatAss said...

When you said haircut I realized it's been awhile for me as well, and ohhh how I wish there was a crossfit class near me!

Anonymous said...

Love your attitude, that's the way to be! Don't beat yourself up and remember that every day you wake up with a clean slate! :)

And enjoy that cake!!