Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Not afraid of fat

Since I started tracking my food at I have learning I eat a little too many carbs, the perfect amount of protein and not enough healthy fats.

To help with the fats, I started eating almonds. I won't be giving up the carbs anytime soon. Ha! It's not like I sit around and eat slices of bread. I don't even BUY bread. It just seems that things I eat have a lot of carbs in them.

I used to be afraid of fat. I tried to stay away from it. But now I don't really pay too much attention to it. I know my body needs it and I try to eat more of it. I know nuts are good source of it and that is why I have been enjoy almonds every day as a snack.

As for my running? I did 4 miles before work and it felt great!! I'm thinking I just needed a little break because it was awesome to get back to it this morning!! Back in the saddle!!


Miss Felicity said...

Do you recall what the first few months of losing weight were like? Some of the struggles and how you got through them? I am having a hard time already!

safire said...

I used to think fat was bad and then I realized I was eating way too much sugar! Now I look for heart healthy fats in fish, nuts, flax seed and olive oil. It's amazing for our hair and skin too!

Good for you for tracking! Good luck with everything!