Friday, June 3, 2011

Who likes to punch and kick things?

Last night the husband and I went to our very first Karate class. I was pretty nervous about it. Not sure why. Probably because I didn't want to make an ass out of myself. Seeing as I've never taken Karate before. And I'm not very coordinated. I had originally suggested the idea to my husband because I feel like he has a lot of pent up anger he could stand to get rid of (more then a little really) and he asked if I wanted to go. I thought why the hell not. It's just one more thing I can try now that I'm not so nervous everyone will be staring at me.

The first thing they do is hand me this uniform that I go put on and I swear the pants look like they are made for a small child. I think to myself these are never going to fit. But I figure I'll try anyway and when they fit? I nearly peed myself.

We started off with a 15 minute warm up that I had no problem with...except for the push ups. This girl has never had it easy with push ups. But everything else was a breeze. I could hear a few people huffy and puffing and it made me thankful I run so much. My arms and abs are sore today. I'm pleased about that.

So the class was FUN! I had fun punching and kicking and getting out a lot of frustration and stress that I had from work. The woman I was working with is going for her BLACK BELT in 2 weeks. That is insane!! I'm not sure I'll ever go that far, but it is fun and that is what I was going for. I had been thinking about joining Cross Fit (there is one near me) but now I'm thinking of Karate.

Hubby and I going back tomorrow for another class. I am going to run before hand so I'll be getting in 2 workouts. I didn't run yesterday because I knew I was going to the class. I've now worked out for 13 days straight. I love it!!

As of today, the scale said 158.8 pounds. Not a huge loss, but it's all good. Considering last weekend, I'm happy with a loss. Even it's small.

This is going to be another great weekend!! Enjoy it!!

1 comment:

Michelle (Ramblings of a BookCrosser) said...

The karate class sounds great Sarah. I've thought about taking one before but I have that same nervous feeling. Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I'll have to reconsider.