Monday, June 1, 2009

really dedicated and committed

I gave myself the day off from exercise today since I worked out Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Although I’ve been thinking about either hitting the treadmill when I get home tonight or pulling out a DVD. I’m feeling really dedicated and committed to this weight loss thing right now. I am totally hitting the gym tomorrow though if no matter what.

Totally still love my new cell phone. Having a keyboard is awesome. I was texting with my friend in Nebraska earlier. Awesome fun times.

Stayed up a little too late last night but it was worth it. “Breaking Bad’ is an awesome show and I’m going to miss it while it’s on hiatus for the season. However, “True Blood” starts in 2 weeks. Oh and of course, “Jon and Kate” tonight. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I watch too much television.

My coworker told me today she is going to get a tummy tuck in 2 weeks. She is in her mid-forties, healthy, active. She’s been trying to get rid of her “pooch” but nothing seems to work. She’s mentioned it to me several times but I didn’t think she was serious. I’m happy for her though because I knew it really bothers her. I can’t wait to see what she looks like when she comes back.

My vacation is coming! Well, it starts at 5pm on June 26th!! I cannot freaking wait!! That is like 4 weeks away. But I have next Friday (the 12th) off because it’s hubby’s Birthday so that will help. Hubby said he wants to have fun while we’re off that week. I don’t care what we do as long as I’m with him!!

OMG! I totally don’t watch Bull Riding as much as I used to, but I wish I gone to the PBR in Massachusetts this weekend. My guy won! HA! He’s considered an “older” rider since he’s 30 but it was so awesome to see that. Yeah Chris!!

Back to work. I want to get as much done in the next few weeks as I can.

1 comment:

thewwchick said...

I love the full keyboard on my phone, too. I text WAY too much. lol