Saturday, June 19, 2010

Eating clean works?

212.4 this morning. Huh? So I guess eating clean must work, right? Because there was no exercise this week. Unless you count all the walking that was done on Saturday from the car to the concert and back again. And trust me-there was a lot of it. A lot. And I was not huffing and puffing at all. The race next Sunday should be interesting. And there are no healthy options there when it comes to food. And I am okay with that. I am going to relax and enjoy the race food. I want the ice cream. I wanted it 2 years ago and didn't get it. This year it is mine!!

I would like to get back to the gym at some point this century though.

I baked in the sun this morning for 2 hours before I had 2 come inside. I turn pink very quickly.

Now I am going to do some cleaning and enjoy my Saturday.

After I kick the cats out of the clean laundry basket. Why do they insist on climbing into the clean clothes?


Lor said...

my cat does the SAME THING! she won't touch the dirty laundry.. and i think she's addicted to climbing in to the basket of clean dark clothes because she is white and orange! CAT HAIR CITYYYY. hah.

and i hear you about getting back to the gym!!

Anonymous said...

congrats on the loss. Your doing so amazing. I love your attitude about the food at the race. You Go Girl! Have some ice cream and enjoy it.

Ann Summerville said...

I stopped by your blog today. Congrats on your loss. I don't remember ever being single digits - well maybe when I was six!
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