Thursday, June 17, 2010

Things are strange

Things are strange here. I'll post about it more next week when they are back to "normal". I just can't talk about it right now. But I can tell you that NO I am not pregnant (I wish).

This has been such a long week. I wish it was Friday. I can't believe it's only Thursday.

I'm reading a lot. Which is great. I'm just about done with "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" which has been amazing and getting ready for the next book in the series, "The Girl Who Played With Fire". My Mother gave me both books while she was here. She is currently finishing up "The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest". So guess what I get when she is done with that? You can probably tell where I got my love of reading from. I love her for that. I have so many books I could open my own library and then some.

Work has been very horrible this week. I can't even begin to talk about it. If you follow me on twitter you see my tweets. I just hope things change soon before I go bat crazy.

I got the newest issue of "Clean Eating Magazine" in the mail last night. Love that magazine. It's so awesome.

Eating is good. Exercise is still not.

That is all for now. Hope you all are well.


真坤 said...
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Anna said...

I loved the Millennium trilogy, especially the first book! Now I'm looking for books by other swedish authors, but it seems they've written mostly thrillers and they're not exactly my cup of tea... any suggestion from you or your mom? :)