Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday mumblings

I've spent most of today sitting around the house doing NOTHING. It's rather depressing.

But I'm feeling a little better now, even with the thought of having to go back to work tomorrow.

I also have to get back into a gym routine, a better eating routine, etc. Not that my eating isn't good. But it could be better. So after next weekend, which is the Nascar race in New Hampshire (holla!!) I plan to do something exercise wise. Whether it be at home or the gym or whatever. At least 3 days a week. I don't care. I have to do something.

Because my 10 year wedding anniversary is 3 months away and I need to lose 12.4 pound to get to 200 where I would like to be by then. And that is totally doable. And to be honest, I would LOVE to be like 199. You know. Just to be under and out of the 200's. Just saying.

With that being said it has been 16 years exactly today that I lost my Dad. It's been a hard day for me to say the least but I'm handling it alright.

Here is to hoping this week is much better then last week. It can only get better right?


Phoenix said...

Aw, honey. I didn't realize you were dealing with Father's Day and the anniversary of his passing. That's too much to handle. You sound like you're handling things well. Hugs. said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your father.

SG said...

i just stumbled upon your blog. i am amazed and inspired by your weight loss!!!