Monday, June 1, 2009


Thanks to the awesome, Holly, I have decided to start doing some paid blogging. I am waiting approval right now, but since we are tight on cash (I'd rather not say broke right now) I'll do what I can to bring in some extra cash. I don't see why I wouldn't be approved but then again, you never know.

So once approved and once I start getting stuff to blog about, I can make a little extra money.

Yeah extra money.

Also if anyone has some great ideas for low calorie yet very filling meals I would to hear them. Or point the way to a website. I've been eating a lot of the same things and I'm getting sick of them.


karen said...

I'll be real interested in what you end up thinking about the paid blogging deal. Sounds pretty interesting! Oh heck ... maybe I'll just sign up, too :)

Carolina John said...

We make up a tuna salad i've never seen anywhere else. 2 cans of tuna with some dijon mustard and red wine vinegar to taste. I like to add in some white pepper too, but the wife doesn't care for it too much. it's low cal, cheap, and fabulous.