Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Things that bother me today

Bad mood? Check.

Weigh yourself 3 days early and get pissed because of what it says? Check.

Grocery night? Check.

Work? Check.

Not going to the gym? Check.

Annoying birds outside the house? Check.

Sore knees? Check.

Being tired? Check.

Blah. I don't mean to be such a downer. Sometimes I can't just help it. I know better then to weigh myself in the middle of the week. I just hope by Saturday I won't be up 1.2 pounds. Whatever.


Jen, a priorfatgirl said...


Snap out of it lady, your alive, breathing and the birds are reminding you of such!

(Ok, enough of susy sunshine, I do hope you have a better day then what appears to be a tough start! Sending smiles your way!)

Andy said...

I know what you mean about weighing yourself like that! I used to be okay with it (or so I thought), but lately it's been really wreaking havoc on my moods. Why do we do this???

Hope you feel better!