Saturday, June 27, 2009

So close!!

I'm down 1.6 pounds this week. I am happy and excited about that (it's been awhile since I've seen that number) yet I can taste the 240's they are so close. Ha ha. Next week I know I will be in there and won't be coming back to the 250's EVER AGAIN! I know I've said that before (um a couple times) but I don't want to have to lose this weight again.

I am planning on hitting the gym as much as possible this week since I'm on vacation starting tomorrow. I'm not a Saturday gym girl. I'm not a Saturday workout girl really and I doubt I'll use the treadmill today which is fine by me. I worked out 4 times this week which is my goal right now.

I'm now on season 2 of "The Tudors". I am really enjoying that show.

I am happy to see some blue skies here in Connecticut today. Even if it's just for a little white, the rain has finally given us a little break.

I'm off to do a little housework. Not my favorite thing to do but unfortunately my house does not clean itself.


Crystal said...

Congrats on the wicked loss!!!

Lex said...

Whoop whoop nice work!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome girl! Your doing so great, keep it up.
