Saturday, May 8, 2010

Batman and Robin

I'm down another 1.6 pounds this week. I'm so close to being out of the 220's! Hopefully next week I'll be there. Even though I only worked out twice last week I still somehow managed to lose weight. I guess eating well is working for me.

I took my measurements today for the heck of it. I'm happy with how things are going. I either lost an inch or half an inch since March so things are going well.

I enjoyed my day off yesterday with my Mom. She commented on my weight loss. We went to lunch where we saw a guy ride his horse to Subway for a sandwich. Yes this is Connecticut and we have farms but this was a first. I grew up in a farm town but I don’t think of the town I was in as a farm town. It was pretty funny. He just tied his horse up to a jersey barrier and went in for lunch. My sisters cat, Jack, is super adorable. I want to take him home and love him. It was just awesome to spend time with my Mom. And to be able to know that I can see her tomorrow, on Mother’s Day, for the first time in 8 years is awesome.

Bradley, my kitty, is still at the vet. We are supposed to be able to pick him up tomorrow. I miss him. It’s not the same without him around. Molly, our Siamese, misses him, too. Those two are like Batman and Robin. They are best buddies. I can’t wait to smoother him with kisses, even though he is going to hate it. He is probably going to be all doped up on medication but just to have him back home is going to be great. My big fluffy boy.

Today I'm just relaxing and doing a few things around the house. I am beat though. I hit the gym this morning and then went into work for a few hours. I could use a nap. Ha!

I hope everyone else is enjoying their Saturday.

1 comment:

Bring Pretty Back said...

Good luck with your weight loss! We can do this! I just started my weight loss journey!