Monday, May 17, 2010

It's me and I am updating

I had a rough few days last week. Work was rough. I'm having a hard time doing the jobs of 3 people and not getting any help from my boss. I was told when then let the other 2 CSR's go that I would get help from the other people in the office and I did. In the beginning. But now 6 months later things aren't going like they were supposed and it's total BS. I broke down 3 times at work on Saturday when I was working overtime.

I'm spent. I'm working 6 days a week most weeks and I am just over it. I got a shitty raise when I deserved more then I got and it's total bullshit. I'm sorry, but it is. I'm worth more then what I'm getting and I'm not going to put up with it anymore.

Luckily I have only a 3 day work week this week. And next week. And I am going to enjoy my time off. With my Mom. And my cousins wedding. And Memorial Day.

I lost 0.6 pounds this week. I'm happy with it. It brought me under 220 pounds and that is fine. I worked out twice and I still lost weight. I think it's because I haven't been eating enough. Yes, I know. I've worked out twice this week already. Just at home but it's something isn't it? I am going to try and challenge myself and workout everyday from May 21st to June 21st to get ready for Summer. We shall see how that goes.

My work clothes are all too big. I am fitting in to some clothes I haven't worn in years. Some gym clothes. A shirt I bought in London in 2002. Awesome stuff. I'm happy about that.

I am very sad that "Dancing with the Stars" is ending next week. It has become my guilty obsession since the end of March.

I am very tired. Must head to bed soon.

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