Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bummer of a day

Today did not turn into the day I wanted it to. I didn't work out and I just can't bring myself to. I'm not sure what is up with that. I had planned on it but it's happening. So already I'm not making a day of my 30 days until summer challenge. I think at some point I am going to do 2 workouts in a day to make up for it but we'll see. I know I can do it but today just a bummer of a day.

I'm just having a hard time doing much of anything at all. I slept in really late. Much later then I can remember doing in a very long time. And I have had no desire to do much of anything.

Yesterday my knees were very upset with me by the end of the day. They were sore and swollen and not happy. I had a hard time moving them by the time 8pm rolled around. Hubby and I went out to pick up my allergy medication because that is what my problem was. I knew it would happen but I was hoping it wouldn't. Today they are much better but still a little sore to touch. Strange I know but I pushed myself anyway.

Tonight is the last episode of "Lost". I am sad to see it end yet excited to see how it ends at the same time. And then of course tomorrow and Tuesday night is the end of "Dancing with the Stars". I have my voting fingers ready for my Evan!!

So I'm going to brush myself off and get ready for tomorrow which is a new day and get over my lack of exercise today. I will be working out tomorrow, even if I'm going to be up late tonight for "Lost". Eek!!


Diana said...

Sorry you're having a kind of bummer day. The only good things about days like this is that they pass and tomorrow you have a new opportunity for a good day.

Plus allergies usually knock me down big time.

Don't worry about missing a few workouts. You'll get back at it soon. That's just what you do. :)

karen said...

Sometimes we just need a mental health day. My mom used to keep me home from school for them back in the day ... and now I keep myself out of the basement for them at least once a week. It's not going to be the end of the world even if you don't do a makeup workout ...

Samantha said...

Its ok to have an off day. Your body needs rest to be healthy too. Just don't let one turn into 6 and you'll be just fine!!

HuffandBuff said...


Try not to be too hard on yourself. We all have an off day now and then. Tomorrow (today,actually) is a new day. I look forward to reading about how you conquered your workout today.
