Sunday, May 30, 2010

A proper post

Last night was my cousin's wedding. I had so much fun!! And the dress I had been wanting to fit into so badly? It fit!! With a little extra room to boot. I tried it on Thursday night just to make sure it was going to fit in case I had to make an emergency shopping trip on Friday to buy something else. Because I really didn't want to wear the back up dress. I hated it when I wore it the first time and didn't want to wear it again. But no worries! And the best part was that I didn't have to shove myself into any spanx or anything to hide rolls! Ha!! I do have pictures but I am the worst person in the world at getting them onto my computer and posted on my blog so it may take awhile before I actually get them on here.

My cousin looked stunning in her wedding gown. She made a beautiful bride. She got married at the same place my husband and I got married at nearly 10 years ago. It also happened to be her brother's wedding anniversary (also my cousin duh) and our Grandfather's birthday. PLUS her brother and her sister got married there, too!! When her brother got married there 17 years ago my hubby and I had only been together for like 2 weeks so it was kind of romantic and neat to be there. I danced a lot. Which was not like me. Blame the alcohol. Ha! Although I am not hung over this morning. One of my sisters caught the bouquet which was pretty cool.

Needless to say I had a great time. I had my cake but I couldn't eat the whole thing. It was a massive piece and I kind of filled up on liquor. *Giggle* Same with the food prior to the cake. I pretty just ate the salad, some pasta and potatoes. My cousin made the cake and it was beautiful!!

Although I am happy I fit into the dress and I don't think I look that bad in the pictures, I have a long way to go. I told the hubby the other night I only have 65 pounds to go to get to my goal. But after seeing the pictures I don't feel so good about myself. Yes, I am 215.4 pounds but still. I am HAPPY with that and that is great considering I was 240 in March. So I have to get back to the gym Tuesday and I will. My goal now is to be under 200 by the end of the summer which is total doable because that isn't much. It's only 15.6 pounds.

Friday night I went into Old Navy and actually was able to purchase clothes. It was a great feeling. I haven't done that in years. I felt pretty awesome doing it, too.

Speaking of Friday the hubby and I ended up hanging out with some old friends. We had so much fun!! We hadn't seen them in awhile. I got to see my little Munchkin who isn't so little anymore. She will be 13 in October and every time I see her I get all "OMG! Look at you. I held you the day you were born. Let Auntie Sarah see you!" even though I'm not her real Aunt. She calls me Auntie Sarah still. I love that little shit. She's taller then me now. I can't get over it. I didn't see her for a few years and I still love her to death!! She's smart as a whip that one. I had 2 beers that night, too and I must be a light weight now because I felt a bit hung over yesterday morning. Boo!! And they were only LIGHT BEERS! Geez!!

So my "Dancing with the Stars" is over. I hated to take down my little picture of Evan and Anna. I am going to miss that show. Evan and Anna didn't win. Boo!! Boo!! But they did come in second and they are winners to me so that is all that matters. I voted 160 times. Um yes, I am obsessed why do you ask? That is nothing compared to the people I know who voted over 1,000 times! Hello?! I was sad to learn Evan may not skate anymore. He said he doesn't know what he is going to do once Stars on Ice is done (which it is now) but he said he may not compete in the 2014 Olympics in Russia which made me sad. I was looking forward to another medal. But that is 4 years away and there is time. He's only 24 (25 on Friday) years old.

My 30 days of summer challenge fell apart already. Ha!! But that is okay. I am going to just do what I can. I am doing good with my eating and that is great. But I am in need of the gym and like I said I am going back Tuesday. I am glad all my shows are over. "Lost" was late on Sunday which got me all messed up and then "DWTS" on Monday and Tuesday night was as mess, too. So now that everything is over I can get some decent sleep like a normal person. And get back to the gym like I need to.

I know I still have more stuff I need to post about and that is coming, too.

I also need a new picture because this one over there is like 30 pounds ago! HELLO?!


1 comment:

Nora said...

Sounds like a super weekend!

That's awesome - 25# since March AND getting to wear a dress you wanted!