Monday, January 31, 2011


Don't worry. I'm alive. Just struggling with a little depression this weekend.

I did get in a couple good runs this week. Over miles both days.

I blame the depression on TOM and PMS.

I'm also doubting myself and if I can actually do this half marathon.

I feel like I have to make myself workout these days.

All this snow is killing me. We're getting more tomorrow AND Wednesday. Although with sleet, ice and freezing rain. I don't even know where we are going to put anymore snow.

Spring and summer cannot get here fast enough.

I did gain this week. I was up 1.6 pounds. No big deal. I don't let the scale rule me. I worked out 5 times which is awesome. I ate a lot of my activity points. And it was also the week before TOM. I hope to see a loss this week. And I have 20 pounds before goal. It's not going to be easy to reach goal. Last year at this time I was 240 pounds. I'm very happy with my weight loss right now.

I've warned my boss if there is an inch of ice on the ground on Wednesday, I'm not coming to work. Just not going to happen.

I'll do a better update soon. Promise.


Ang said...

Keep your chin up. I'm also looking forward to the spring and summer - I haven't even started my journey yet, but certainly can't do it in this slushy disgusting weather.

Look at how far you've come, and remember that when those feelings come back. You're a rock star!

Polar's Mom said...

Wait wait wait-you have to MAKE yourself work out?!?! No way?!?!?! Seriously, who doesn't? Don't worry that it takes more effort to do-as long as you actually DO it! As long as you stick to your plan and get your workouts in, you will see all that TOM weight come right back off just as quickly. Don't fret-it sucks to be a woman, but your rut will pass-I promise!! Chin up-go get 'em!

Polar's Mom

Lindsey said...

You are SO close! I wish you loads of luck. It's inspiring to see your weight loss, makes me feel like I can do it too.

SherRon said...

Wow! You've really come a long way while I've not been following! I applaud your goal to run a half marathon. The thought terrifies me.

Don't get too down if you have to force yourself to workout, its all part of the journey. The important thing is that you're doing it even though you don't want to.

What an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

I am in the same boat with the snow, I can't take much more of this!!
It has effected my mood and working out.
Just keep going and you will get there! You will do that half marathon and rock it!! Pre race nerves are so normal