Saturday, October 22, 2011

12 miles or bust

I had 12 miles schedule for today. I was excited for it. I was ready for it. I took my water bottles, my Powerade, my Shotbloks, and my Gu out to the treadmill and was ready to go.

My phone was acting up. I listen to my music with my phone. It froze up on me. My Slacker Radio was being annoying (I have a station that plays nothing but songs I programed for running). I was coughing and coughing from being sick last week. I was coughing so hard my chest hurt and it wasn't pretty what was coming up. And I was tired. So tired.

I stopped at 10 miles. I guess sometimes it's just not meant to be, right?

But 10 miles is great. If you told me last year at this time I would be running 10 miles I would have laughed in your face. I would have.

Now I'm going to go make myself a smoothie and head out to the Sugar Shack with my husband. It's this place that sells Maple Sugar stuff. I'm not a huge fan, but he loves the stuff. So don't worry about me eating anything. It's not my thing.

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