Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I'm feeling better today

I have bronchitis. I sucked it up and went to the doctor yesterday and that is what I have. I'm feeling much better today, but last night I had a fever of 102 and was miserable. Which is why I didn't update my blog.

Forgive me?

I haven't run since Sunday. My doctor told me the bronchitis was brought on by my running. Even though I'm out in the garage, I'm still in the cold weather. But I hope to get back to it tomorrow. I'm supposed to run 13.1 miles on Saturday. I'm not too sure how that is going to go.

I'm so behind in my work I brought some home with me. Which I guess that is why I have a laptop now. So I can work from home. I will get paid for it. But still...

My Mom is on facebook. This amuses me. I don't know why.


MojoMissy said...

Oh yikes! Bronchitis sucks. Definitely don't push it though.

At least you have a date with yourself Sunday!

Carolina John said...

Glad you're feeling better today!

Sara said...

I hope you feel better soon!

Laura Belle said...

So sorry hon! Sending you 'good health' vibes now!