Sunday, October 9, 2011

A year ago

At my heaviest recorded weight I was 287 pounds. A year ago today I hit 186.6 pounds. I remember getting on the scale, seeing that number, getting off the scale and getting back on again. Just to make sure. It was pretty surreal.
I had started of 2010 around 250 pounds and by October, I was 186.6 pounds. I was amazed at how "easy" it was for me to start eating clean, get back to the gym and cut out the junk. In July of 2010, I gave up diet soda and again, that, too, was easy.

Yesterday, I weighed in at 162 pounds. The past couple of months have been a little rough for me weight wise. I haven't given up or anything, but I've been trying to figure out what I want to do. Do I want to stay around 160 pounds? Do I want to lose another 10? 20? I finally decided that 160 pounds was a good weight for me and if I do decide in the future to lose another 10-20 pounds, I can do that, too. What I really want to do is tone up and fit comfortably into a pair of jeans. Muffin top be damned.

Ironically, the same day I hit the 100 pound mark, I also started running. I told myself that I wanted to because of my friend Kelly and because I missed it. At that time, I could only run for 2 minutes. In March I ran my first half marathon. Yesterday I ran 10 miles. Today, just for the heck of it, I ran 4 miles. Just because I wanted to. Running has sucked me in and I'm obsessed with it. It can do that to you. There are some days I hate it, but once I'm out there I'm fine. But most days? Most days I absolutely love it.

I love my life. I really do. I have a wonderful husband who loves me for me and doesn't care what my body looks like (I have some fantastic battle scars from the weight gain and loss), I have an amazing family who I would do anything for and a sister who is one of my best friends in the world, I have a job that despite a lot of bitching, I actually really do enjoy (most of the time and I'm finally getting some recognition) and I'm healthy. I'm not afraid to enjoy myself when it comes down to it. Sit down and have a piece of cake or whatever. I know that it's not going to cause me to gain back 100 pounds. I know that the next day I'll be back on track and eating healthy again. I love shopping for clothes again. I love that I was able to pull out most of my clothes from when I was smaller and wear them again. I love dresses. And high heels. I love exercise clothes. I love crossing my legs. I love the reaction I get when people see me for the first time in years and they ask "How did you do it?" when really, it's a simple thing. Eat less, exercise more.

Oh and Weight Watchers. I can't thank them enough. They did this for me. I wouldn't have lost the weight without them.


InWeighOverMyHead said...

So awesome :)

Eve said...

Hey Sarah, just found your blog and wanted to say congrats on your achievements!! You have totally inspired me to re-join WW. I have been on and off WW for ages now - I keep looking for that quick fix! Just wanted to stop by and say hi! I look forward to following you on the rest of your healthy journey!

Eve xoxo

Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

Love it! Congrats on the weight loss and doing so well at maintaining it. Runner is wonderfully addicting and I don't know what I would do without it.

Keep up all your hard work and I love that you are not afraid to have your cake and eat it too!

Brooke said...! Really. You are an inspiration. I know that road to 100 lbs all too well. I know what it took for you to get where you are. I know it was hard. I know it was painful. And I know it was worth every hard, crappy, nightmarish moment! You're there girl. Thanks for the inspiring words and the kick butt attitude!

Anonymous said...

You are amazing.

That's all, that's the only way I know to put it-- simply amazing.

And to have gone from only having been able to run 2 minutes to running 10 miles? (Not to mention actually functioning for the rest of the day, not just running the 10 miles and going back to bed for the rest of the day?)


Carolina John said...

Keeping it off for a solid year can be as tough as losing it in the first place. Big congrats!