Thursday, October 20, 2011

The one where I get a new laptop

After 11 years, I finally have a laptop!

At work that is. I've been really hinting around for the past 2 years or so that I wanted a laptop so I could work from home. It would be so nice to be able to be sitting in my pajamas's on a Saturday morning and working instead of going into the office. Or if we have bad weather I can stay home and work. Right? Right.

Today I finally got my laptop. Now if I could just get that cell phone...

In exercise news, I couldn't climb out of bed this morning, but that's fine. I figure the 12 miles I racked up between Monday-Wednesday were good and the fact that I have 12 planned for Saturday were pretty awesome, too. Plus I will run 3 tomorrow. So we're all good.

I have been counting my calories again with Sparkpeople and I think my body is super happy with that. I always forget I don't get enough fat in my diet and I need to eat more. So more almonds it is!!

I am so happy Friday is tomorrow. This work week has been crazy!! I haven't been able to get much done at all.

I am looking forward to my nice long run. Plus, my husband has worked it out so that I can watch some "Mad Men" while I'm running on the treadmill out in the garage. Isn't that awesome?? He's a keeper.


MojoMissy said...

I love that you finally got a laptop!

I need to get back to counting calories. The past week, I've been working all over the place and neglected it. You did inspire me to hide the scale though. I'm done with it for awhile.

Your runs motivate me! Now if I could just get up in the morning before work..

Marie said...

You can use your laptop as a cell phone. Search the idea, it will give you details.