Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October 5th, 2011

I had some sort of stomach thing all day yesterday. I got up, did my 3 miles, showered and headed off to work. My normal Tuesday to routine. But somewhere on my ride to work, my stomach starting bothering me and I spent a good chunk of my day in the bathroom.

Sorry. But it's the truth. And we all know it's not a very comfortable feeling. It's not like I spent 20 minutes at a time in there, but I was in there. A LOT!! And it wasn't fun.

And it went like that when I got home, too. I didn't sleep too well because of it last night either. Thankfully my stomach feels almost "normal" today but I missed my 5 miles that I had scheduled for today. But that isn't a big deal. I'll pick that up tomorrow.

I'm not sure what caused my stomach to bother me, but thank goodness it's done.

Tonight I made the most amazing meal. I got it out of Runner's World magazine and it's called Unfried Chicken. It was fantastic! Even my husband enjoyed it. You can find the recipe here.

I'm off to try to warm up. I'm freezing right now. It's supposed to deep into the 30's tonight. Seriously, I am not ready.


Carolina John said...

Wow that's cold! Stomach problems are no joke. It makes for a very unpleasant day.

InWeighOverMyHead said...

I think you are amazing for running even though you didn't feel well. I don't do that even when I'm fine! :)