Monday, October 10, 2011

I love Eeyore

Why yes, Eeyore is wearing a Santa hat. Why do you ask? I got so excited when I saw this last night at the grocery store. I want it. I will have it. I know this Eeyore will be mine. I have to have him. Oh yes, yes I do. Isn't he just too adorable? What? I know, I'm 35 years old, but Eeyore is my favorite cartoon character in the entire world. And I have a huge collection of Eeyore stuff. HUGE. Trust me on that. It's pretty darn huge. I still insist on wearing my Eeyore winter coat that is about 3 sizes too big for me. I need to upgrade to a big girl coat as my husband tells me.

Ignore my husband's finger in this photo.

I find it very sad that there are Christmas decorations out already. Halloween. My Birthday. Thanksgiving. Christmas. In that order. You didn't know my Birthday was a national holiday? Where have you been? November 18th. Mark it on your calender. Target gift cards are what I want this year. Ha!

My Mom has booked her flight. She comes in December 14th and will be here until January 4th. I have a guest room to get ready!!!

1 comment:

MojoMissy said...

I'm this way with Charlie Brown stuff. Lowe's has a great selection! I love that pic of you and Eeyore :)