Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3rd, 2011

I quit you Weight Watchers.

Yes, you heard me right. I quit. At least going to meetings. I'm over it. I'm done with it. I'm OVER it. Going to meetings weekly makes me all bat shit crazy over the scale. And I hate it. I hate how obsessive it makes me. I hate how sometimes I just can't handle gaining 0.2 at a meeting and yes, I don't really like the new program all that much. I tried, I really did. But I lost my weight following the old program and that is just what I want to continue to do.

So, I quit you Weight Watchers.

But I know what you are thinking. Sarah, didn't you just go to your doctor and get a note to say your weight should be 160 pounds? Well yes, yes I did. But now I can be whatever weight I want and not pay for anything at all.

If going to the meetings right now makes me bat shit crazy with weigh ins, what is it going to be like if I might be at goal and I might GAIN?


And with that I leave you with the things that made ubber happy today:

Running 9 miles on Saturday
The 10 mile run I have planned for THIS Saturday
The size 8 pants I wore to work today
The fact that my best friend is coming to visit this week
I saw Blake Shelton in concert!!
"Breaking Bad" (the most amazing show in the world!!)
Suzi ran her first marathon


Carolina John said...

You want to be done with the WW meetings? ok, just don't let it get you down. it's not the end of the world or anything. if they are annoying, let it go.

Phoenix said...

I know it's stressful but you've come so far not to get the recognition from WW that you deserver, even if it's just a stupid charm for your keychain (if they still do that). The scale makes me crazy too but this is such a huge milestone for you! Once you make lifetime you only have to weigh in once a month. You can do it! Make them give you something for all the $$ you've given them over the years!