Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 2 of 31 days of Blogging

I don't think I ever laughed so hard at a concert. Blake Shelton is a funny, funny man. It was probably the best concert I have ever been to. My sister had no idea Blake was so funny. I told her, but I guess she just needed to see and hear him for herself. He put on a great show and I am so glad that I finally was able to see him in concert. Plus, the ran held off. It was freaking COLD though. I hate the cold. Not ready for it yet. Sigh...

I didn't eat any fried dough. In fact, I didn't eat anything but the snacks that I brought with me. I was going to have a Bison burger, but they were sold out of it. So whatever. There was food EVERYWHERE. Fried cheesecake, bacon covered chocolate, cream puffs as big as my head, cotton bandy, turkey legs, french fries, ice cream, etc., etc., etc. It was hard to stay clear of it all, but I did it. What is the fascination with deep frying everything? As if cheesecake isn't bad enough for you, they go ahead and drop it into a deep fryer? Ha! There were a few "healthy" options. There was a Subway there. But I didn't see that until we were heading out. I picked up some Pure Maple Sugar Candy for my hubs in the Vermont building. It smelt like apple crisp in there. Each New England state has their own building and they have what they are "known for" in there. Vermont also has Ben and Jerry's ice cream. WTF? Really?

We also road the Elephant. Ha! My sister wanted to do that because she loves elephants. We got a picture of that but I look ridiculous. I have the dumbest look on my face.

Today I am beat. Everything hurts. I ran my 9 miles yesterday and walked all over the fair last night. I don't even want to move a single muscle. I'm not working out. I can't. My feet hurt, my calves hurt, my back is sore and I just need to rest a bit. Tomorrow is supposed to be a rest day and the start of a new week, but whatever. I took an extra day this week already, but today is going to have be a rest day anyway. At least I know what is in store for me the day of the Guns and Roses concert on November 19th (I have 16 miles in the morning and a concert that night-can we say NAP?!).

We probably will go run some errands later though.

I tracked all my points from yesterday today. What?! I know, but I tracked them. I haven't been tracking anything lately. Good way to start off October. And I've already started tracking today. Except I haven't eaten yet. I earned 19 AP's from my run yesterday. That is mad crazy.

I won't be making it to meet Olivia from The Biggest Loser. That is okay though. I'm too tired. I'm still in my pajamas. I slept until 10am. I was up until 1am. It happens. Moving on.

So I'm just going to take it easy today and enjoy my Sunday. I also learned my best friend will be here next week and I haven't seen here in over 7 years. I can't wait!!


Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

I would love to see Blake in concert, I bet he is funny. Great job resisting all that fair food!

Anonymous said...

Fried cheesecake sounds like it would be wonderful, though :(
