Saturday, October 29, 2011

I'm bitter

13.1 miles turned into 10 miles. Not complaining, but you know. I was coughing a lot towards the end, so I guess the bronchitis is still there. Hopefully I'll be able to get a run in tomorrow if we have power. 3 or 4 miles would be good.

And why do I say that? Oh well, Connecticut is in the middle of a snow storm right now. I kid you not. 5-10 inches of snow. And since it's really heavy and wet and we still have leaves on our trees, we could lose power. It's flickered on and off several times already. Honestly. It's October. What did I do to piss off Mother Nature? I mean was it the whole I hate you and I want to move to Arizona thing? If it is , I still mean it and I still want to do it. After all, it's October 29th, Halloween is 2 days away and I may have 10 inches of snow to clean off my car tomorrow. Bitch, please! Not to mention it will all melt when it warms up during the week so it's all a really big waste of our time.

I'm bitter. We had a rough winter last year and I'm not over that yet.

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