Saturday, October 15, 2011

Thank you

First off, thank you for the comments about my last post. Perhaps I overrated. I shouldn't have gotten so worked up. Because, like Pinky said, I am not a number on a scale. And I know that.

And that is why I have decided to not weigh myself again until my Birthday. Which is November 18th. So that is just about a month from now. Every time I do that (go a month) it usually works well.

I have also decided to back off on the running a bit. I'm not stopping, but I feel like I need to do more. Which is also why I went to the gym today. I need to do that more. I ran 4 miles and I did another mile on the Elliptical and I did 20 minutes of weights. I truly need to tone up and I think that will help me feel better in the long run.

I took my measurements today for the first time since July and I pretty much am the same. Except I went to down half an inch in my waist. Not bad. I'll take that. That was enough to make me smile.

And the awesome coffee I picked up at the local health food store I stopped to get my kitties their treats at after my workout. It was pure heaven. I should make that my Saturday thing.

1 comment:

Phoenix said...

We've talked about this -- I love running too but I know I'm in better shape when I do less of it and more weights. It's so counter-intuitive! Maybe it depends on body type but I never lose weight with an all running schedule, I know some people just melt away. I'm glad you had a good time at the gym. Good for you on locking up the scale. Who needs that stress.