Saturday, October 1, 2011

31 days of Blogging!!

As promised, today starts day 1 of 31 days of Blogging. I did it a few years ago and I really enjoyed it.

Tonight, I get to see this guy in concert!!
For those of you that don't follow concert music (what the hell?!) this is Blake Shelton. I follow him on twitter and he is so funny I sometimes almost wet myself I laugh so hard. I have been wanting to see him in concert for a really long time and tonight I am finally getting the chance. As long as the rain holds off and the show doesn't get canceled. I will be really, REALLY pissed off if that happens.

The show happens to be at The Big E up in Massachusetts and it's full off fun stuff. Please pray that I stay away from this:

For those who call it Elephant Ears and not Fried Dough...just no. No. I'm trying so hard to eat healthy right now and not shitty. So let's hope I can stay away from the Fried Dough tonight. I'm bringing my own snacks. Yep. My own.

Today I ran 9 miles and thought my toe might fall off. It still hurts but it's getting better. I really want to nap but I don't have time for that. Next Saturday I have 10 miles. My husband is amazed I can run that much. He came out and was talking to me while I was on the treadmill and I enjoyed that. It made the time go by. I was having a hard time for the first few (6) miles. I burnt off a lot of calories, too. I feel good though. I love that my body lets me run like that. I love it.

Tomorrow I get to meet Olivia from The Biggest Loser. I'm really excited about this. My husband? Not so much. And after that I've been promised my first trip to Ikea. Oh yes. I've never been there.My Mom is coming to visit in December and she is going to be staying with us. I have to fix up with guest room and I hope to find a few things there. So, that means instead of going to New Orleans with the husband, I will be saving the rest of my vacation time for when my Mom comes here. I want to do both, but I don't have the PTO time. Bummer, but I hope there will be another time.

Also, I had my review at work and it went well. I won't say much more, but I was pleased.

I'm only happy it's October because Halloween is my favorite holiday. Time to break out the decorations!!


Phoenix said...

Congrats on the run! Enjoy ikea. I always get lost in there.

Katie Foster said...

Mmmmm, elephant ears! ;) When I think of fried dough, I think of a doughnut; to me, the pic you showed is an elephant ear. I've always thought that the name sounded totally gross. Fried dough sounds MUCH better.