Thursday, October 13, 2011

Just pinch me.

I've been obsessed with reading other peoples running blogs. Suddenly my updated blogs are full of people who run and love to run. Is there anything wrong with this? I think not. I enjoy reading them and makes me want to run more.

I am feeling much better tonight. I felt terrible this morning when I got up, so I skipped my run. But I will be back at it tomorrow. I told my coworker it's all the cough drops he kept leaving on my desk. Whatever it is, I'm just happy I'm feeling better.

I found a couple of pictures that kind of blow my mind. This first one is from Halloween 2008. It's my sister and me. Obviously I'm a the one on the right. I don't even know what I'm wearing or what I'm doing, but I'm sure alcohol was involved. I was supposed to be a vampire. I have vampire teeth. But the shirt? I don't know.

The second one was taken in December of 2009. Yes, I am wearing crocs. I know my weight was around 245 pounds here. When my coworker was taking pictures I tried so hard to avoid them. I guess that didn't work so well. This was my "favorite" outfit. Size 22 pants and a size 26/28 shirt. Sometimes, I just need to pinch myself.


Anonymous said...


Wake up, girl! You're a skinny minnie now! LOL

Oh how I know about trying to avoid when other people are taking pictures. I'm forever squealing "Don't take my picture!" and flipping the camera off, etc, in hopes that no one will actually take the pic. So now when you see someone's taking pics, do you go running over and mug for the camera?

Crocs! *laughs hysterically* But um, I had a pair, too.

Phoenix said...

That doesn't look anything like you! What an amazing transformation! Congratulations, girl! You really look amazing!