Monday, October 24, 2011

I hadn't planned on getting sick but who does?

So, as I posted early, I'm home sick today. And the cough medicine I'm taking tastes like gasoline.

I'm bored out of my MIND!! And what do I do when I'm bored? Um..I eat. So today is not a good day for me eating wise. But, I've already forgiven myself for this. It's not a big deal. I'm over it already. It's not worth it to beat myself up at all.

I say this now, after I was really upset with myself with what I ate. But sometimes these things happen and I'm human.

I almost put on my running clothes and hit up the treadmill. But I was hit with a fit of coughing and got my senses back.

No matter how I feel tomorrow I am going back to work. I have a lot to do and it's end of the month and want to get it done. I can work from home now but since all my work is at work right now I can't really work at home without someone bringing it to me. I most likely will put in some hours this weekend (after my 13.1 miles that is).


Carolina John said...

sick time is never easy to deal with. Hang in there!

carla said...

hope you wake feeling BETTER!
