Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!

"Eclipse" was amazing!! It was the best movie so far in the "Twilight" saga. And my sister had me busting a gut half the time making her comments. Don't get me wrong, we LOVE the series (I got her into it) but we can make each other laugh like no one else. That is what best friends do, right? So if you haven't seen it yet and you are into the series, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Um hello?!

I am so totally Team Edward. Still. I want a vampire of my own. Although I love Bill from "True Blood", too.

Since I gave soda 6 days ago (woohoo) I bought a water at the movies. Yet they had these cups with Edward on them (and Jacob but whatever) and I wanted one but I didn't want soda. So my sista bought this giant soda so I could have the cup afterward. Isn't she the best? I brought my own healthy snacks in to eat. That is just how I roll.

I think we are going to go see the Leonardo DiCaprio movie when it comes out. It looks good. And I love him. Not like that. He's my favorite actor.

This morning I hit the treadmill! Holla! I did 4.18 miles and burned off 526 calories in an hour. Woohoo!! It's hot here today. And it was pretty humid out in my garage. But I was really enjoying myself this morning. I actually realized I hadn't changed the weight on my HRM since I got it at Christmas. So I did that yesterday and the weight had said 237. Yeah, so that was kind of a big deal, right? I mean almost a 30 pound difference right there.

Now that I have showered I am enjoying my iced coffee and eaten my morning oatmeal. I feel good today.

Happy Fourth of July!! Have a safe day.


Respectfully Yours said...

I saw Eclipse the other night. It was so friggin good. I am definitely team Edward. I was actually next in line when they evacuated the movie theatre for a very very big fire next door. I was like, no, just give me a mask, I will be ok, I want to see the show. So I had to drive 1/2 hour away to the next theatre to see it. Thank God I got in. So worth it.

Carolina John said...

that is fantastic sarah! Any time you can claim a good day i'll take it. and knocking 30 lbs off of the hr monitor has got to make you feel good.